211 Grand Montréal, "211 is an easy to remember (2-1-1) information and referral service available 7 days a week, from 8 am to 6 pm, 365 days a year, which will eventually be open 24 hours a day. 211 Community resources directory is also available on the web. In collaboration with community organizations, all information on social and community resources is updated annually. With the help of statistics from calls and web frequency, 211 sheds a light to government officials and decision-makers on social needs and in determining missing resources that are needed."
411.ca, "free services offered by 411.ca. 411.ca will originally have 5 key features. Find a person, find a business, map & directions, reverse Lookup and international listings."
Annuaires Lovell's, "une mine de renseignements pour tous ceux qui s'intéressent à la généalogie, à l'histoire sociale, à l'histoire d'un bâtiment ou encore à la géographie urbaine".
Bottin haitiens de Montréal, "trouvez un commerce ou service professionnel haitien a Montréal: restaurants, traiteurs, casse-croûtes, coiffure, immobilier, automobile, services légaux, photographes, vidéo, santé, beauté".
Fabriqué au Québec, "le but du site est bien simple, je voulais construire un site où l'on pouvait regrouper des compagnies québécoises afin que les futurs acheteurs, désireux d'acheter québécois, puissent le faire en consultant les compagnies inscrites à notre annuaire".
Soumissions Laval, "The Soumissions Laval platform offers free quotes from businesses in over 20 sectors of activity in Laval. It's non-binding. Fill out the form https://www.soumissionslaval.ca/."