Fonds des médias du Canada (FMC) / Canada Media Fund (CMF), "the mandate of the Canada Media Fund (CMF) is to champion the creation of successful, innovative Canadian content and software applications for current and emerging digital platforms through financial support and industry research."
Médiatactiques, "blog sur l'actualité des médias : Internet, télévision, presse, radio. Un regard éclairé et éclairant sur la façon dont les médias traitent l'information commerciale ou non-commerciale, sur les enjeux sociaux, économiques, sociologiques qu'ont les médias sur notre société".
Regret the Error: Mistakes Happen, "award-winning website that reports on corrections, retractions, clarifications and trends regarding accuracy and honesty in the media."
World Federation of Science Journalists, "a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation, representing science journalists' associations globally. The Federation encourages strong, critical coverage of issues in science and technology, environment, health and medicine, agriculture and related fields."