Afromusée / Afromuseum, "des programmes artistiques et éducatifs qui recherchent, informent, font découvrir, et donnent la parole aux Africains, Afro-descendants et aux témoins de l'africanité sous toutes ses formes".
Adresse: 533 rue Ontario Est (suite 100) Montréal, QC H2L 1N8. Tél.: 514-649-3898
Agence Ometz, "Jewish human services agency offering social, employment and immigration services to help people fulfill their potential and to secure the growth and vibrancy of the Montreal community."
Adresse: 5151 chemin de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, Québec H3W 1M6. Tél.: 514.342.0000
Asiasie, "a non-profit event organization whose mission is to forge social, economic and cultural links between Asia and Quebec, promoting the exchange, discovery and celebration of Asian culture."
Association Canado-Peruvienne, "pour la Culture et promotion de l'intégration de la communauté à Montréal. A été fondée en Février 1972. Elle partage les mêmes principes et objectifs que l'organisme (APC) de Toronto, Vancouver, NY, Miami. Cependant, certaines activités seront modifiées par rapport aux provinces et pays pour respecter le contexte socio-culturel de Montréal, tout en répondant aux besoins spécifiques de la communaute péruvienne d'ici".
Adresse: 6830 Av. du Parc (Suite 208) Montréal, Québec H3N 1W7. Tél.: (514) 554-1272
Association Ukrainienne d'aide aux nouveaux arrivants, "rassemble les nouveaux arrivants ukrainiens afin de s'entraider, promouvoir la culture ukrainienne et faciliter l'intégration à la société. Organisme communautaire sans but lucratif".
Atlas.Mtl - CFMB, "groupe de vecteurs de communication s'adressant en premier lieu aux Montréalais originaires du Maroc ayant choisi de vivre au Canada".
Bottin haitiens de Montréal, "trouvez un commerce ou service professionnel haitien a Montréal: restaurants, traiteurs, casse-croûtes, coiffure, immobilier, automobile, services légaux, photographes, vidéo, santé, beauté".
Brésiliens à Montréal, "site en portugais vers la communauté brésilienne à Montréal. Annonces classées gratuits, calendrier d'événements culturels brésiliens à Montreal et plus!".
Celtic Harmonies International Festival, "non-profit organization to provide opportunity for people to discover, through music, dance, story-telling, art, exhibits, traditional food and drink, the history of the ancient Celts and their legacy to Canadians of all origins, and to celebrate the common historical bonds that the traditional music of Quebec and the rest of Canada share with music from the Old Countries."
Centre AFRIKA, "lieu d'accueil et de référence pour le monde africain. Faire connaître les activités interculturelles et les ressources existantes dans le monde africain de Montréal".
Centre culturel Kabir, "the centre is currently engaged in promoting cultural events such as music/dance concerts, film shows, theatre and book-reading activities as means for bringing people together and achieving its vision."
Centre d'amitié autochtone de Montréal / Native Friendship Centre of Montreal, "the NFCM is a non-profit, non secterian, autonomous community development agency whose principal mission is to promote, develop and enhance the quality of life of the urban Aboriginal community of Montreal. We are recognized as an information and referral point for other Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal organizations."
Centre Marius-Barbeau / Marius-Barbeau Center, "the Center specializes in the area of immaterial culture. Its mission is to preserve, promote and encourage recognition, conservation, passing on and spreading of Quebec folk arts and traditions including those of the First Nations and the ethnic communities."
Adresse: 4839 rue de Bordeaux Montréal, Qc . Tél.: 514-522-1511
Comité Canada Tibet, "it's time again for one of Montreal's most popular and unique annual events A DAY IN TIBET: THE TIBETAN CULTURAL FAIR. In addition to Tibetan music and folk dancing, the fair will feature many vendors selling a great variety of Tibetan goods, including incense, books, jewelry, handmade clothing and food. All proceeds support the Canada Tibet Committee, a registered non-profit organization which raises awareness about Tibet and the Tibetan Cultural Association of Quebec.. Please bring your family and friends and join the Tibetan community of Montreal for the day!"
Communauté hellénique du Grand Montréal / Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal, "the Hellenic Community of Greater Montreal has been serving the Greek population of the greater Montreal area (Montreal, Laval and South Shore regions) since 1906. For over 100 years, the HCGM has continuously been representing proud Quebec citizens of Greek origin, who have settled and continue to settle in the greater Montreal area."
Adresse: 5777 av. Wilderton Montréal (Québec) H3S 2V7.
Communauté Ukrainienne de Montréal, "In our main image above you can link to any of the classified groups, Churches, Organizations and Businesses with in the Montreal region, and find any information you might need to know."
Communication Cambodgienne, "guide bilingue, cambodgien et français, spécialement conçu pour la communauté cambodgienne et est distribué gratuitement en 5000 copies".
DestiNATIONS, "participe à la création, la diffusion, la production et la reconstruction des cultures des Peuples autochtones. Offrir un enseignement participatif traditionnel et contemporain. Réconcilier par l'échange et la découverte de l'autre".
Festival Haïti en Folie, "le Festival Haïti en Folie à Montréal est aujourd'hui le plus important festival pluridisciplinaire, en dehors d'Haïti, totalement dédié à la culture haïtienne. Il attire plusieurs milliers de visiteurs et de touristes chaque année. Merci de continuer à supporter nos artistes, nos activités et d'en acheter les produits dérivés".
Festival Matsuri Japon de Montréal, "our festival's purpose is to let people discover Japanese culture through traditional activities such as dances, fun games for children as well as many display and information kiosks."
Festival Peruano de Montreal, "le Festival péruvien de Montréal est le plus grand événement festif de la communauté péruvienne qui se réalise au parc Jeanne-Mance depuis 1972. Comme à chaque dernier dimanche du mois de juillet, cet événement familial rassemble les communautés et c'est la journée où l'on présente au grand public montréalais et du Québec les attraits culturels du Pérou".
Adresse: 6970 Christophe-Colomb bureau 208, Montréal (Québec) H2S 2H5. and 2 other adress(es)
Festival Présence autochtone / Montreal First Peoples' Festival, "takes wing for the twenty-second time on the island, and beyond. With a wide range of events from gastronomy to cinema, from poetry readings to electro concerts, from Place des Festivals to the Kahnesatake pinewoods, providing a host of opportunities for discoveries, making friends and sharing experiences."
Foyer du Monde, "offre un toit et un milieu de vie chaleureux aux réfugiés quelle que soit leur origine et leur confession religieuse, ainsi qu'un soutien dans leurs démarches d'intégration dans la société québécoise".
Français expatriés, "site destiné aux Français expatriés. Ils y trouveront, pour ce qui concerne la ville de Montréal, des informations sur la communauté française dans cette ville".
Generations Fund, "the Generations Fund is a Federation CJA initiative, aimed at preserving and strengthening Jewish identity in Montreal, primarily among our youth. This initiative is a long-term investment to ensure that our children have every possible opportunity to benefit from excellent Jewish educational opportunities and experiences, and to enjoy the deepened sense of Jewish identity."
Gens du Pays, "traduction d'un vers de la chanson 'Gens du Pays' en 6 langues, l'Anglais, l'Allemand, l'Italien, l'Espagnol et la portugues. Par Gilles Vigneault".
iLearnMontreal, "a website to make a bridge between communities, local people and international students. If you are genuinely interested in language and culture exchange join us!."
Jamaican Canadian Community Women's League of Montreal Inc., "the mission statement of the Jamaican Canadian Community Women's League of Montreal Inc. is to encourage the full participation of women from the visible minority communities into everyday Canadian society. The organization is committed to enhancing the lives of women of all ages through direct services as well as with references to community partners."
Adresse: 5465 Queen Mary Rd, Suite , Montreal, Quebec, H3X 1V5.
Jewish Experience, "an independent, non-profit institution whose purpose is to provide Jews of all backgrounds and affiliations an exceptional Jewish learning experience. Led by a team of young dynamic rabbis, Jewish Experience gives you the tools to connect to timeless Jewish traditions."
Adresse: 5465 Queen Mary, suite 200 Montreal, QC H3X 1V5.
Jewish Montreal of Yesterday, "to celebrate and share this diverse and storied past, the Jewish Public Library Archives proudly presents Jewish Montreal of Yesterday, a website devoted to bringing to the public digitized archival materials that tell the story of a community."
Kahnawake Pow-Wow, "Powwow time is Native people meeting together, to join in dancing, singing, visiting, renewing old friendships and making new ones. This is a time to renew thoughts of the old ways and to preserve a rich heritage."
Mada Community Center, "the largest kosher soup kitchen and food bank in Quebec is strategically located in the heart of Montreal's Jewish community. It provides the community with many social and crisis services free of charge, as well as serving as a safe haven for those in need."
Adresse: 6700 Cote-des-neiges, local 218 Montreal, QC H3S 2B2.
Mois de l'histoire des noirs, "films, spectacles, expositions... Mosaïque musicale et animation. A voir pour tout l'art du monde! Le site vous propose la programmation complète de l'événement et des informations communautaires".
Mois du Créole, "notre Mission est de mettre en lumière le patrimoine créole, de promouvoir l'éducation et de favoriser la compréhension entre les peuples. à travers une myriade d'activités, d'événements et de cours captivants, nous vous invitons à plonger dans un voyage inoubliable au coeur de la créolité".
Adresse: 2000 boul. Saint-Joseph Est (porte B) Montréal, Québec H2H 1E4. Tél.: 514-750-8800
Mois Kreyol Montréal, "tout le mois d'octobre est consacré à la célébration et à la mise en valeur du patrimoine culturel créole du Canada et du Québec".
Adresse: 2000 Blvd St Joseph E (suite 220) Montreal, QC H2H 2A2.
Montréal autochtone / Native Montreal, "Aboriginal organization whose mission is to contribute to the holistic health, cultural strength and success of Aboriginal families, individuals and community in Montreal."
Montreal Japanese Language Center, "non-profit and volunteer-based organization. Started in 1976 by Japanese parents who wished to foster the adoption of the Japanese language and integration of the Japanese identity in their children."
Adresse: 3200 Chem. de la Côte-Sainte-Catherine Montréal, QC H3T 1C1.
MontrealPersian, "a unique website for the Iranian Community of Montreal & Quebec Province... with News, Chat rooms, forums, music, matchmaking, yellowPages, shopping and much more!", "the main Russian community web portal in Montreal and Quebec: daily city and province news, Russian forum and online chat, message board, all information about Montreal and Quebec, entertainment, immigration info and more."
Multi-Écoute, "a non-profit community organization. The centre's mission is to work on mental health prevention and to help with the social integration of any person in need. Multi-Écoute is a listening, psychosocial support and referral centre. Services offered take into account the culture of the participant and are provided as much as possible in the mother tongue of the client. In this sense, Multi-Écoute gives a particular attention to immigrants."
Adresse: 3600 Barclay Avenue Suite 460, Montréal, Québec H3S 1K5. and 2 other adress(es)
Musée du Montréal Juif / Museum of Jewish Montreal, "not-for-profit organization that collects, maps, and shares the history and experiences of the Montreal Jewish community online and through walking tours, exhibits, and other public programming. MJM seeks to ensure the legacy of Jewish life in Montreal by educating the public and giving our visitors new ways to interact with the city's Jewish past and present."
Projets autochtones du Québec, "an Indigenous organization that accompanies First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples facing housing insecurity in Tio'tià: ke / Montréal."
Adresse: 169 rue de la Gauchetière E. Montréal, QC H2X 1P7. Tél.: 514-879-3310
Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network, "non-profit, non-partisan, province-wide organization engaged with its members in the preservation and promotion of the history, heritage and culture of Quebec -- and, in particular, of Quebec's English-speaking communities."
Rassemblement annuel des Artisans et Artistes de la Nation Huronne-Wendat de Wendake, "l'événement qu'on nommait jadis le Marché de Noël de Wendake refait peau neuve cette année pour sa 6e édition.Ce rassemblement, ouvert au grand public, permet aux différents exposants de présenter leurs arts respectifs aux visiteurs à travers diverses prestations (chants, danses, tambours…), activités démonstratives (fabrication de bâtons de la parole, perlage…) et conférences en lien avec l'histoire et la culture des Premières Nations".
Regroupement Ivoiro-Canadien, "notre devise : s'unir pour mieux se connaître. Le Regroupement Ivoiro-Canadien est un organisme sans but lucratif créé en 2001 visant le rapprochement des Ivoiriens, Québécois et Canadiens dans le cadre d'échanges socio-culturels".
Russian Montreal, "the biggest russian website in Montreal and Quebec Province. Russian newspaper online, chat, message board. Interactive business directory. Internet Radio Alliance."
Adresse: 5465 Queen Mary Rd. #310 Montreal, QC H3X 1V5.
Semaine italienne de Montréal, "Montreal's Italian Week is a major cultural event that takes place annually throughout the city and celebrates these Italian Canadians, their traditions and customs new and old and their accomplishments. This year the Dolce vita will take place on August 5th to 14th 2011. Get a chance to discover the many different flavours of this community. Folk, gastronomy, sports, arts, literature and fashion, Montreal's Italian Week aims to introduce the heritage and traditions of the Italian Canadian community to all the ìQuebecoisî eager to immerse themselves into the zest of Italian living. Montreal's Italian Week offers an opportunity for Italians and non-Italians to discover the Italian-Canadian culture under all its forms."
Sino-Québec de la Rive-Sud, "organisme communautaire dont la mission consiste à promouvoir le bien-être des membres de la communauté chinoise, et des autres communautés asiatiques, en offrant des services et des programmes ainsi qu'en développant des ressources appropriées à son intégration et à son épanouissement dans la société québécoise".
St. Andrew's Society of Montreal, "the Society has a long history of conducting charitable work directed towards the Scottish community within the city of Montreal."
Terres en vues / LAND InSIGHTS, "the official website of Terres en vues/Land InSights, society for the promotion of Native culture and producer of the Montréal First Peoplese festival. Films, videos, music, dance, visual arts, and literature are part of a bilingual, French and English, creative space devoted to share with all the richness of the cultures of the First Nations of the three Americas."
The Danish Club of Montreal, "our purpose as a not-for-profit club is to encourage mutual solidarity among Danes in Montrealand to maintain the connection with the native country forpersons with Danish origin or background, and for persons with an interest in Denmark or Danish culture and affairs."
The Native Canadian, "a Native Canadian Perspective; Mohawk Nation history, views, resources, links, humour, gripes and praises, Traditional issues, contemporary Native life, pro-Quebec, pro-Canada."
Touki Montréal, "découvrez l'actualité africaine. Chaque semaine, l'actualité de la semaine. Nouvelles d'Afrique, cinéma, mode africaine, night life africain, homme, femme, femme africaine, vidéos, entrevue africaine sont autant de sujets couverts sur ce magazine en ligne".
Tyndale St-Georges Community Centre, "offering programs designed to promote self-reliance, mutual aid and fulfillment through education, cultural, social, employment and recreational programs, providing individuals and families with encouragement, tools, opportunities and support."
Adresse: 870 Richmond Square Montreal, QC H3J 1V7. Tél.: 514-931-6265 and 2 other adress(es)
Union Française, "depuis 1886, l'Union Française accompagne les francophones issus de l'immigration, dans leur intégration à la société québécoise. Elle est devenue un lieu culturel d'accueil, d'accompagnement et de socialisation, ouvert à tous les francophiles. L'Union Française se concentre depuis sur deux missions: MISSION SOCIALE Accompagner - Accueillir - Assister ; Réseautage professionnel, - Tous les jeudis de 18h00 à 20h00 heures ; Retraite complémentaire; Questions de santé; Recherche d'emploi; Recherche de logement; Questions relatives au VISA; Déclarations de revenus ... MISSION CULTURELLE Réunir autour des cultures et valeurs de la Francophonie ; Soirées thématiques, ; Soirées festives au bistrot, ; Conférences, ; Ateliers, ; Expositions, ; Sorties découvertes ... Ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h00 à 17h00 Suivez nous sur Facebook".
Adresse: 429 Viger Est Montréal, Qc . Tél.: (514) 845-5195
Vietnamville / Vietnamtown, "Vietnamtown of Montreal established since November 4, 2006 by Mr. Ngo Van Tan also known as poet Tan Van. It is the first Vietnam Town ever realized in Canada, and also by just one person who put his idea into practive through motivation and positive mental attitude."
Adresse: Rosemont (Villeray - Metro Jjean Talon) Rosemont (Villeray - Metro Jjean Talon) .
Week-ends du monde - Parc Jean-Drapeau, "touring the world for free...that is something you can do during the summer at Parc Jean-Drapeau. The Week-ends du monde event provides Montrealers of all origins with a showcase in which they can share and celebrate their culture and tradition through music, dance and culinary discoveries. The event, presented by Loto-Québec, began in 2005 and has since enjoyed increasing popularity with the Montréal population eager to learn about the cultural wealth of the diverse communities that have come here and established local roots."
YM-YWHA Montreal Jewish Community Centres, "the YM-YWHA Montreal Jewish community Centres, 5500 Westbury Ave. in Montreal, offers one of the finest fitness facilities in a community centre geared for all members of the community. Adult ed., day care, nursery, computer centre, and more. For members and non-members. 737-6551."