The result of an academic partnership between McGill University, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi and the Association internationale des études québécoises, this web site gathers information on Quebec Culture, History,Geography and Identity. Users will find facts and features that distinguished Quebecers and situating them within Canada, North America and other parts of the World. It is aimed for everyone looking to find out more about Quebec and to get information from well known experts. Great material for French Language Teaching and Learning and for integrating Quebec Culture in the classroom.
Mcgill, universite, etudes, programmes, chicoutimi, ecole, permanente, education, centre, programmes, etudes, internationale, association, regions, canadienne, francophonie, identite, societe, geographie, histoire, politique, apprentissage, specialite, enseignement, fls, fle, amerique, culture, quebecoises, etudes, francaise, langue, civilisation, quebec.