Biciborne, "station de réparation de bicyclette équipée d'une pompe à air et de multiples outils protégés des intempéries. Elle agrémentera de façon autonome vos pistes cyclables, terrains de camping, parc municipaux et espaces commerciaux ou publics extérieurs".
Le Monde à Bicyclette, "organisme sans but lucratif actif depuis 1975 visant l'apaisement de la circulation automobile, l'utilisation de la bicyclette en tant que moyen de transport urbain et la revitalisation des villes centres".
Québec 511 - Convivialité des routes pour les cyclistes, "to help you, the Ministère has designed a mapping tool illustrating the cycle-friendliness of roadways based on three characteristics. A simple mouse-click on a road segment allows the user to visualize the average values (posted speed, width of paved shoulders and daily traffic flow of vehicles)."
Right to Move / La Voie Libre, "promotes the bicycle as an accessible, ecological, sustainable transportation alternative. Montreal's only community do-it-yourself bicycle workshop is open most weekday evenings, and offers winter-cycling and bicycle-repair workshops."
RuePublique, "a volunteer community initiative looking to improve the quality of life in the Mile-End. Our chief purpose is to explore urban design alternatives that focus on active transportation and the pedestrian. This website is designed to promote the dialogue that will ultimately shape the project according to the needs of residents and local businesses. Our objective is to make St-Viateur a cleaner, safer street that is completely walkable and amenable to bike traffic. Our vision of the street would allow for extended terrace spaces, family-oriented activities, festivals, exhibitions and markets."
Vélo Volé - Montréal, "le groupe a pour but de publier l'information relative aux vélos volés dans la région de Montréal ainsi que d'informer ses membres au sujet des programmes et campagnes contre le vol de vélos. Veillez à bien respecter le thème du groupe!".