Boutique Fringues & Cie, "the Fringues & Cie store essentially helps women who are having difficulty entering the workforce by providing paid work experience and complete training in sales and customer service. The funds raised through the sales activities are used to organize various projects linked with our mission of social and professional insertion."
Friperie Renaissance, "Renaissance Montreal clothes offers training programs for social reintegration of people seeking a job opportunity. Goodwill donation for recycling projects, used furniture, clothing, salvage merchandise."
Peut-être Vintage, "a non-profit collective consisting of vintage clothing store, microcinema and event venue located in Montreal's Mile End neighbourhood."
Shwap Club, "boutique d'échange de vêtements pour femmes, hommes et enfants. Notre mission est de faciliter la réutilisation de vêtements pour contrer le gaspillage vestimentaire. Chaque vêtement accepté lors de ta visite en boutique te donne droit à un autre item de ton choix".